License of Community Land - 37 Stephen St, Cessnock

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Consultation has concluded.

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Satellite image of 37 Stephen St

Cessnock City Council is proposing to enter into the following Licence Agreement for land which is classified under the Local Government Act 1993 (“the Act”) as ‘community’ land. The details are as follows:




Term of Licence

Part of Hall Park located at 37 Stephen Street, Cessnock being part LOT: 1 DP: 180560

Cessnock Gem and Mineral Club Inc

Facilitate recreational activities for the purpose of operating a gem and mineral club for the general community.

Five (5) Years

As the land is classified as Community Land, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993, interested persons are invited to make a submission in writing with respect to the granting of the Licence during the 28 day exhibition period noted above.

How to make a submission

You can make a submission using the online form located below or clicking this link.

In order to be considered by Council, submissions must be received by 5:00pm on 23rd December 2024. Please quote “37 Stephen St Licence Proposal”. Submissions should be addressed to The General Manager and can be submitted via:

Cessnock City Council is proposing to enter into the following Licence Agreement for land which is classified under the Local Government Act 1993 (“the Act”) as ‘community’ land. The details are as follows:




Term of Licence

Part of Hall Park located at 37 Stephen Street, Cessnock being part LOT: 1 DP: 180560

Cessnock Gem and Mineral Club Inc

Facilitate recreational activities for the purpose of operating a gem and mineral club for the general community.

Five (5) Years

As the land is classified as Community Land, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993, interested persons are invited to make a submission in writing with respect to the granting of the Licence during the 28 day exhibition period noted above.

How to make a submission

You can make a submission using the online form located below or clicking this link.

In order to be considered by Council, submissions must be received by 5:00pm on 23rd December 2024. Please quote “37 Stephen St Licence Proposal”. Submissions should be addressed to The General Manager and can be submitted via: