Where will these DCP chapters apply?

    The first of these draft chapters, Administrative and Legislative Context applies to all development applications lodged and assessed for land the Cessnock LGA. The second chapter Centres applies to development applications lodged and assessed on land in all city and town centres in the Cessnock LGA.

    Why is Council updating these chapters?

    Council is updating the entire DCP in stages. Both chapters have been reviewed to make sure they are current and up-to-date. Additionally, the Centres chapter is being amended to include general controls that apply to all centres such as:

    • Active street frontages
    • Addressing the Street and Public Domain
    • Awnings
    • Building materials, finishes and colours
    • Built Form, Setbacks and Street Hierarchy
    • Building height
    • Roof form
    • Gateways and landmark sites
    • Site servicing
    • Landscaping
    • Sustainable Development and Water Sensitive Urban Design
    • Parking and access

    Area-based controls will apply to the centres of Cessnock, Branxton, Kurri Kurri and Weston, primarily responding to the master plans and public domain plan for those areas.

    What is the definition of Centres in this Development Control Plan?

    Centres house the businesses and services that we rely on and they generate economic activity that supports jobs and growth. 

    They are the areas in which we come together to celebrate and to seek entertainment. The streets, laneways, parks and public squares are the public domain and play a vital role in how we perceive the centre and how we move around it. 

    Vibrant, attractive, active centres are important to support the ongoing success of the businesses located within them and to foster a community identity.