Greta and Black Creek Nulkaba to Branxton (Stage 2) Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Consultation on this project has concluded.

Cessnock Council is developing its Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan (FRMSP) for both the Greta and Black Creek Nulkaba to Branxton catchments. Black Creek is currently in Stage 2.
Overview of Project
The purpose of each FRMSP is to identify and assess options to reduce flood risk in Greta and Black Creek. For each catchment, a Flood Study then Plan is developed to reduce the impact of flooding. The Study and Plan are developed following the NSW Government’s guidance in the Floodplain Development Manual 2005.
The FRMSP is developed in the following order:
- Flood Study – investigates how flood waters are likely to behave, or move through the catchment.
- Floodplain Risk Management Study – This study builds on the flood study findings to look at how flooding will affect the community. It also considers different options to reduce flood risk.
- Floodplain Risk Management Plan – This plan includes the actions and guidelines to be implemented to manage flood risk in the catchment.
Have your say as part of the study
Take part in the survey for the Black Creek Nulkaba to Branxton (Stage 2) Study Area
Take part in the survey for the Greta Study Area
Feedback closes on Saturday 30 September 2023
Important Questions
What flood studies have already been prepared?
For more information:
- Phone: 02 4993 4100
- Visit our Customer Service Centre at 62-78 Vincent Street Cessnock NSW 2325, Australia or
- Email