What is the name of the (draft) Planning Proposal?

    The draft Plan is named, 18/2022/6/1 – Reclassification and Rezoning of Council Land

    What is the aim of the Planning Proposal?

    The aim of the Planning Proposal is to rezone the site to RE1 Public Recreation, consistent with the remaining portion of the Harle Street playground. The Planning Proposal also proposes to remove the minim lot size for the site, as the site will no longer be zoned residential.

    Where does the Planning Proposal apply?

    • Lot 11 Section B DP 4748 known as 94 Harle Street ABERMAIN

    What are the effects of the Planning Proposal?

    The Planning Proposal will result in the site being zoned RE1 Public recreation. This is consistent with the current use of the site as the Harle Street Playground.

    Why is the Planning Proposal Draft?

    The Plan is a “draft” because it has not yet been formally made. After considering the views of interested persons, Council will decide whether or not to make the Plan.

    Council has not been granted delegation from the Minister to make the Plan under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (‘The Act’)This means that after public exhibition Council will submit the proposal to the Department of Planning, Housing and Industry to make the Plan.

    Why Does Council owned Land need to be Classified?

    The Local Government Act 1993 requires that all council-owned land be classified as either ‘Community’ land or ‘Operational’ land.

    What is the difference between Community Land and Operational Land?

    Community Land – is land Council makes available for use by the general public, such as parks, reserves and sports grounds. Community land cannot be sold, exchanged or otherwise disposed of by a Council. There are restrictions on the grant of leases and licences and the way Community land can be used. A plan of management, adopted by Council, is required for all Community land and details the specific uses and management of the land.

    Operational Land – Operational Land has no special restrictions and may be managed as private land which may not be made available to the public. 

    What is Public Land?

    Public land is any land (including a public reserve) that is owned or under the control of a Council. Public land does not include a road or a regional park under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.