Land Classification to ‘Operational Land’ - Bellbird

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In accordance with Section 34 of the Local Government Act 1993, Cessnock City Council intends to classify the land known as 0 Abbotsford St, Bellbird, (LOT: 32 DP: 1288606.) as ‘Operational Land’

Location of Land intended to be classified as Operational Land outlined in Red.
0 Abbotsford St, Bellbird, (
LOT: 32 DP: 1288606.)

Why has Council determined to Classify this particular property as Operational Land?

The land has been created and dedicated to Council via registration of a new residential subdivision. The land is used to facilitate stormwater overflow and catchment of neighbouring properties. The land does not fulfil the requirements of Council’s adopted Plans of Management for Community land, or provide benefit to the general public.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Click here to view more FAQs around Land Classification.

How to make a submission

Before determining the application, Council is inviting the public to have their say in relation to the proposed classification. The views expressed in written submissions will be considered prior to Council resolving to adopt the classification.

You can make a submission using the online form located below or clicking this link.

Should you intend to make a submission on the land classification in writing you may do so by 5:00pm on Sunday, 7 July 2024. Please quote “Land Classification - 0 Abbortsford St, Bellbird". Submissions should be addressed to The General Manager and can be submitted via:

In accordance with Section 34 of the Local Government Act 1993, Cessnock City Council intends to classify the land known as 0 Abbotsford St, Bellbird, (LOT: 32 DP: 1288606.) as ‘Operational Land’

Location of Land intended to be classified as Operational Land outlined in Red.
0 Abbotsford St, Bellbird, (
LOT: 32 DP: 1288606.)

Why has Council determined to Classify this particular property as Operational Land?

The land has been created and dedicated to Council via registration of a new residential subdivision. The land is used to facilitate stormwater overflow and catchment of neighbouring properties. The land does not fulfil the requirements of Council’s adopted Plans of Management for Community land, or provide benefit to the general public.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Click here to view more FAQs around Land Classification.

How to make a submission

Before determining the application, Council is inviting the public to have their say in relation to the proposed classification. The views expressed in written submissions will be considered prior to Council resolving to adopt the classification.

You can make a submission using the online form located below or clicking this link.

Should you intend to make a submission on the land classification in writing you may do so by 5:00pm on Sunday, 7 July 2024. Please quote “Land Classification - 0 Abbortsford St, Bellbird". Submissions should be addressed to The General Manager and can be submitted via:

Page last updated: 11 Jun 2024, 11:09 AM