What is a masterplan?

    A masterplan provides a vision for the future development of an area or site.

    What is the purpose of a masterplan?

    The purpose of a masterplan is to:

    • Provide a clear vision on the future amenity and character of the site;
    • Provide guidance on the type, form and phasing of improvements and development within the site; and
    • Plan for development that can occur in a realistic and achievable manner. 

    What are the key objectives of the Masterplan?

    The draft masterplan collaborates closely with the Kurri Kurri and Weston communities, ensuring that their voices shape the strategic vision for the precinct. Key landscape objectives include:

    • Establishing a preferred design layout with a clear vision for the precinct.
    • Enhancing visual amenity through landscape improvements and better provision of shade.
    • Addressing parking and traffic needs to improve site circulation and safety for both vehicles and pedestrians.
    • Reviewing and accommodating future active sport uses while preserving existing recreational facilities.
    • Resolving any issues regarding development priorities and conflicting uses within the precinct.
    • Improving accessibility throughout the site, adhering to universal design standards, and enhancing connections with the town centre and residents.
    • Activating the precinct through a design that encourages exploration and engagement for all community members.

    How will you fund the implementation of the master plan?

    The adopted works will be completed in stage, as funding becomes available. Partnerships with user groups, grant funding and developer contributions, where appropriate, will support the implementation of the master plan.

    What engagement has already taken place on the masterplan?

    In October 2023, Cessnock City Council received responses from the community with over 300 submissions, providing invaluable insights and ideas for the development of Margaret Johns Park Masterplan.

    Will the park be accessible for all users?

    Inclusivity is at the heart of this project. The masterplan prioritises accessibility and activities for individuals of all abilities, ensuring that Margaret Johns Park remains a welcoming space for everyone.