Road Extent Change Proposal in Abernethy
Consultation on this project has concluded. Thank you for your feedback.
Notice is given that Cessnock City Council in accordance with the New South Wales Roads Act 1993 is seeking public comment in regard to a proposed change of road extents.
A discrepancy has been discovered between the gazetted road name extent of Abernethy Street and Murray Street, Abernethy and the property address that are in use by a number of properties along these streets. In addition to this, the house numbering that is now in use for properties addressed to Murray Street travels in two directions.
A gazetted road name is a road name that has been officially recorded and approved by the Geographical Names Board (GNB) of NSW.
Cessnock Council has consulted with the NSW Spatial Services who developed the NSW Addressing Policy and User Manual. To correct this issue, NSW Spatial Services has recommended that Council rename Murray Street (from the intersection of Hamilton Street to Munro Street) to Abernethy Street.
To implement this recommendation, some properties that are currently addressed to Murray Street will need to be readdressed to Abernethy Street. Rural Address numbering will be used that continues along Abernethy Street from the neighbouring locality of Kitchener, finishing at the intersection of Munro Street. This proposed change will correct the existing address discrepancy, removing confusion and will, most importantly, help emergency services and service providers locate these subject properties when needed.
The road names affected include the below. Click on each road name to view the location on a map;
You can see the properties as they are currently addresses on the map below. (Click here to enlarge this image):
Proposed Road Extents Changes
The following changes to road extents are proposed:
- Abernethy Street extends East North East from Cessnock Street for 1311m and then continues East South East for 1293m ending at the intersection with Munro Street.
- Murray Street extends East from Munro Street for 197m ending at the intersection with Ferguson Street.
You can see the map of these proposed changes in the small pop out box in the top left corner on the map below. (Click here to enlarge this image):
Submitting Feedback
You are invited to submit your feedback to this proposal.
Whilst the GNB only requires submissions regarding the road extent change proposal, Council will also accept addressing submissions.
Submissions for this proposal are open for a period of 15 working days, from Monday 11 November, 2024 to Monday 2 December, 2024.
What happens next?
- Once the two-week exhibition period ends, Council will compile and review all submissions and notify all impacted owners/occupiers of Council’s determination.
- The proposed road name amendment will be submitted to the GNB.
- A memo will be provided to Councillors informing them the GNB’s
- The final outcome of the GNB’s decision will be communicated to all owners and residents of Abernethy Street and Murray Street.
- Following the official gazette notice, Council will advise impacted residents and commence the process of updating Council’s property databases and notify stakeholders and service providers.
A flowchart of the proposal process has been included below. (Click here to enlarge this image):
How to make a submission
You can make a submission using the online form located below or by clicking this link.
Should you intend to make a submission in writing you, may do so by 5:00pm on Monday, 2 December 2024. Please quote “Road Extent Change Proposal - Abernethy”. Submissions should be addressed to The General Manager and can be submitted via:
- Email to;
- Post to PO Box 152, CESSNOCK NSW 2325
Any views expressed in written submissions will be considered by Council before a final decision is made.