Road Naming Proposal - Huntlee

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Consultation on this project has concluded. Thank you for your feedback.

Streets and houses in Cessnock

Project Information

Notice is given that Cessnock City Council in accordance with the New South Wales Roads Act 1993 is seeking public comment in regards to a road naming proposal in connection with the Huntlee Town Centre Caphilly Stage 5-8 development.

The proposal includes the following names;

  • Ironstone Road
  • Jarrah Way
  • Collective Street
  • Corbel Road
  • Gable Street
  • Grocers Lane
  • Masonry Drive
  • Monument Boulevard
  • Spire Road
  • Stonewall Drive
  • Union Way

Road Name Information:

Road Name

Road Name Origin:

Road Extent:


Reflects the type of material present in the ground in this location of the proposed road.

Extends West off Persoonia Boulevard for 225m, connecting to Morningstar Crescent.


Relates to building materials used in buildings of the early 1900's.

Extends West from Spire Road for 100m, connecting to Masonry Drive.


Our chosen names are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region. Collective refers to the involvement of a group participating in markets relevant to the community.

Extends West from Gable Street for 200m to connect with Masonry Drive


Our chosen names are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region. A corbel forms part of a building typically found in the earlier 1900s architectural design

Extends North from Tollbar Ave for 150m to the intersection with Union Way.


Our chosen names are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region, reflecting community engagement. Refers to the gable on a building can be seen on the school of arts hall.

Extends North from Tollbar Ave for 150m to the intersection with Assembly Road.


Our chosen names are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region. Reflects the use of the surrounding development.

Extends West off Town Lane for 200m to the intersection with Bakehouse Road.


Our chosen names are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region. Masonry refers to the craft of building a structure with brick/stone relevant to early 1900 buildings

Extends North from Tollbar Ave for 400m to the intersection with Morningstar Crescent.


Our chosen names are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region. Reflects a structure created to commemorate an event

Extends North off Tollbar Ave for 250m, then turning west for 550m, then turning south for 100m to the intersection with Morningstar Crescent.


Our chosen names are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region. The name refers to the Decorative structure on the top of a building.

Extends North from Collective Street for 150m to the intersection with Assembly Road.


Our chosen name are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region. Stone walls were originally built as barriers between fields and farms. Noting the transition from the current village Caphilly into the proposed new village 2 development which will reflect the history of the early 1900s farmland. The name Stonewall reflects the barrier between Caphilly and Village 2.

Extends South from Union Way for a length of 280m to a roundabout at Tollbar Ave, then extending South for 300m to the intersection with Caphilly Parkway.


Our chosen names are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region. Union refers to the action of bringing together a community

Extends West off Masonry Drive for 150m to the intersection with Stonewall Drive.

You can see images of the proposed new road locations on the map below:

How to make a submission

You can make a submission using the online form located below or by clicking this link.

Should you intend to make a submission in writing you, may do so by 5:00pm on Thursday, 6 February 2025 . Please quote “Road Naming Proposal - Huntlee. Submissions should be addressed to The General Manager and can be submitted via:

Any views expressed in written submissions will be considered by Council before a final decision is made.

Project Information

Notice is given that Cessnock City Council in accordance with the New South Wales Roads Act 1993 is seeking public comment in regards to a road naming proposal in connection with the Huntlee Town Centre Caphilly Stage 5-8 development.

The proposal includes the following names;

  • Ironstone Road
  • Jarrah Way
  • Collective Street
  • Corbel Road
  • Gable Street
  • Grocers Lane
  • Masonry Drive
  • Monument Boulevard
  • Spire Road
  • Stonewall Drive
  • Union Way

Road Name Information:

Road Name

Road Name Origin:

Road Extent:


Reflects the type of material present in the ground in this location of the proposed road.

Extends West off Persoonia Boulevard for 225m, connecting to Morningstar Crescent.


Relates to building materials used in buildings of the early 1900's.

Extends West from Spire Road for 100m, connecting to Masonry Drive.


Our chosen names are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region. Collective refers to the involvement of a group participating in markets relevant to the community.

Extends West from Gable Street for 200m to connect with Masonry Drive


Our chosen names are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region. A corbel forms part of a building typically found in the earlier 1900s architectural design

Extends North from Tollbar Ave for 150m to the intersection with Union Way.


Our chosen names are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region, reflecting community engagement. Refers to the gable on a building can be seen on the school of arts hall.

Extends North from Tollbar Ave for 150m to the intersection with Assembly Road.


Our chosen names are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region. Reflects the use of the surrounding development.

Extends West off Town Lane for 200m to the intersection with Bakehouse Road.


Our chosen names are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region. Masonry refers to the craft of building a structure with brick/stone relevant to early 1900 buildings

Extends North from Tollbar Ave for 400m to the intersection with Morningstar Crescent.


Our chosen names are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region. Reflects a structure created to commemorate an event

Extends North off Tollbar Ave for 250m, then turning west for 550m, then turning south for 100m to the intersection with Morningstar Crescent.


Our chosen names are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region. The name refers to the Decorative structure on the top of a building.

Extends North from Collective Street for 150m to the intersection with Assembly Road.


Our chosen name are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region. Stone walls were originally built as barriers between fields and farms. Noting the transition from the current village Caphilly into the proposed new village 2 development which will reflect the history of the early 1900s farmland. The name Stonewall reflects the barrier between Caphilly and Village 2.

Extends South from Union Way for a length of 280m to a roundabout at Tollbar Ave, then extending South for 300m to the intersection with Caphilly Parkway.


Our chosen names are reflective of the urban town centre theme and The School of Arts Hall built in 1905 within the Hunter region. Union refers to the action of bringing together a community

Extends West off Masonry Drive for 150m to the intersection with Stonewall Drive.

You can see images of the proposed new road locations on the map below:

How to make a submission

You can make a submission using the online form located below or by clicking this link.

Should you intend to make a submission in writing you, may do so by 5:00pm on Thursday, 6 February 2025 . Please quote “Road Naming Proposal - Huntlee. Submissions should be addressed to The General Manager and can be submitted via:

Any views expressed in written submissions will be considered by Council before a final decision is made.