Booth Park Netball Facility Concept Design

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Consultation has concluded

Project Update

Planning for the new netball facility at Booth Park, Kurri Kurri is progressing with a detailed Landscape Plan as well as rendered images for the proposed amenity building has now been developed.

You can view the Landscape Plan and Concept images for the amenity building here.

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Project Update

Planning for the new netball facility at Booth Park, Kurri Kurri is progressing with a detailed Landscape Plan as well as rendered images for the proposed amenity building has now been developed.

You can view the Landscape Plan and Concept images for the amenity building here.

Ask a question to the Open Space and Community Facilities Team

Have a question? Ask away and get a direct response from the team by clicking here.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can see a list of questions asked around this project by clicking here.

Consultation has concluded

A space where you can ask direct questions to the Open Space and Community Facilities Team. Your question may be answered privately via email, or publicly posted on the webpage. Please let us know if you prefer your question to be answered privately. 

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  • Share why are you going to do this atleast have a part for people to kick a ball booth PARK on Facebook Share why are you going to do this atleast have a part for people to kick a ball booth PARK on Twitter Share why are you going to do this atleast have a part for people to kick a ball booth PARK on Linkedin Email why are you going to do this atleast have a part for people to kick a ball booth PARK link

    why are you going to do this atleast have a part for people to kick a ball booth PARK

    cooper bryant asked over 1 year ago

    The primary use of the proposed facility will be netball, and 12 netball courts are required to be provided for the future needs of netball within the Kurri Kurri Planning Area. The playground, cricket practice nets and a large portion of green space for passive recreation activities are proposed to be retained to offer additional recreational opportunities for site users. Please note the multipurpose court is not part of the current project funding, however has been included as a consideration in the concept plan as its inclusion will be reviewed at detailed design stage alongside updated costings and priorities. A multipurpose court hit up wall, picnic settings/seating will be considered as additional elements to the playground at this stage also.

  • Share Do we really need 12 courts, given the size of kurri surely 10 courts would be ample even on a gala day, that would also leave much more recreational space for those of us who use the park regularly now. When will the roads surrounding booth park be repaired, not currently in a drivable state let alone if netball courts are put in. How are you addressing the drainage? Currently the rawson st/Greta St side (around the playground and in both directions up and to the side) becomes a mud pit when it rains and for weeks after. Your drainage sumps only cover half the oval. Will you be offering any noise solutions to the adjacent homes, such as double glazed glass? Will the half basketball court have a wall? Can the playground/basket hall area have extra shaded seating. What will roadside parking look like? Will the gravel areas be sealed/45 degree angle parking, sign posts, considerations taken into account for residents? on Facebook Share Do we really need 12 courts, given the size of kurri surely 10 courts would be ample even on a gala day, that would also leave much more recreational space for those of us who use the park regularly now. When will the roads surrounding booth park be repaired, not currently in a drivable state let alone if netball courts are put in. How are you addressing the drainage? Currently the rawson st/Greta St side (around the playground and in both directions up and to the side) becomes a mud pit when it rains and for weeks after. Your drainage sumps only cover half the oval. Will you be offering any noise solutions to the adjacent homes, such as double glazed glass? Will the half basketball court have a wall? Can the playground/basket hall area have extra shaded seating. What will roadside parking look like? Will the gravel areas be sealed/45 degree angle parking, sign posts, considerations taken into account for residents? on Twitter Share Do we really need 12 courts, given the size of kurri surely 10 courts would be ample even on a gala day, that would also leave much more recreational space for those of us who use the park regularly now. When will the roads surrounding booth park be repaired, not currently in a drivable state let alone if netball courts are put in. How are you addressing the drainage? Currently the rawson st/Greta St side (around the playground and in both directions up and to the side) becomes a mud pit when it rains and for weeks after. Your drainage sumps only cover half the oval. Will you be offering any noise solutions to the adjacent homes, such as double glazed glass? Will the half basketball court have a wall? Can the playground/basket hall area have extra shaded seating. What will roadside parking look like? Will the gravel areas be sealed/45 degree angle parking, sign posts, considerations taken into account for residents? on Linkedin Email Do we really need 12 courts, given the size of kurri surely 10 courts would be ample even on a gala day, that would also leave much more recreational space for those of us who use the park regularly now. When will the roads surrounding booth park be repaired, not currently in a drivable state let alone if netball courts are put in. How are you addressing the drainage? Currently the rawson st/Greta St side (around the playground and in both directions up and to the side) becomes a mud pit when it rains and for weeks after. Your drainage sumps only cover half the oval. Will you be offering any noise solutions to the adjacent homes, such as double glazed glass? Will the half basketball court have a wall? Can the playground/basket hall area have extra shaded seating. What will roadside parking look like? Will the gravel areas be sealed/45 degree angle parking, sign posts, considerations taken into account for residents? link

    Do we really need 12 courts, given the size of kurri surely 10 courts would be ample even on a gala day, that would also leave much more recreational space for those of us who use the park regularly now. When will the roads surrounding booth park be repaired, not currently in a drivable state let alone if netball courts are put in. How are you addressing the drainage? Currently the rawson st/Greta St side (around the playground and in both directions up and to the side) becomes a mud pit when it rains and for weeks after. Your drainage sumps only cover half the oval. Will you be offering any noise solutions to the adjacent homes, such as double glazed glass? Will the half basketball court have a wall? Can the playground/basket hall area have extra shaded seating. What will roadside parking look like? Will the gravel areas be sealed/45 degree angle parking, sign posts, considerations taken into account for residents?

    Peta C asked over 1 year ago

    Hi Peta,

    Here are some answers to your questions

    • Twelve netball courts are required to be provided for the future needs of netball within the Kurri Kurri Planning Area. 
    • The playground, cricket practice nets and a large portion of green space for passive recreation activities are proposed to be retained to offer additional recreational opportunities for site users. Please note the multipurpose court is not part of the current project funding, however has been included as a consideration in the concept plan as its inclusion will be reviewed at detailed design stage alongside updated costings and priorities. A multipurpose court hit up wall, picnic settings/seating will be considered as additional elements to the playground at this stage also. 
    • The repair of roads surrounding booth park is outside the scope of the project. 
    • A stormwater specialist has provided advice regarding stormwater management of the site. Drainage and stormwater will be managed effectively as part of the Booth Park project to ensure stormwater is managed within the site (and not exacerbate any existing issues). 
    • Noise mitigation measures (e.g. soundproofing, glazing) for adjacent properties will not be provided as part of the project, however further engagement will be held with local residents and sporting groups when confirming the future use of the site (hours of operation). Local residents will also be engaged around traffic management measures and signage at residential properties.

    Thanks for reaching out,

    Together Cessnock Team.

  • Share Hi James here living Barton st looks great just really hope there's a basketball court looks like there is maybe two be better because that's the thing that will get used daily on Facebook Share Hi James here living Barton st looks great just really hope there's a basketball court looks like there is maybe two be better because that's the thing that will get used daily on Twitter Share Hi James here living Barton st looks great just really hope there's a basketball court looks like there is maybe two be better because that's the thing that will get used daily on Linkedin Email Hi James here living Barton st looks great just really hope there's a basketball court looks like there is maybe two be better because that's the thing that will get used daily link

    Hi James here living Barton st looks great just really hope there's a basketball court looks like there is maybe two be better because that's the thing that will get used daily

    James Goodwin asked over 1 year ago

    Hi James! Thanks for reaching out,

    The primary use of the proposed facility will be netball, and 12 netball courts are required to be provided for the future needs of netball within the Kurri Kurri Planning Area. A multipurpose half court has been included as a consideration in the concept plan as it provides an additional recreation opportunity for users of the site. The multipurpose half court is not part of the current project funding, however has been included in the concept plan as its inclusion will be reviewed at detailed design stage alongside updated costings and priorities. 


    Together Cessnock Team.

  • Share what is happening with the old courts on Facebook Share what is happening with the old courts on Twitter Share what is happening with the old courts on Linkedin Email what is happening with the old courts link

    what is happening with the old courts

    Jon Mckenzie asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for reaching out,

    Once the Booth Park Netball Facility is operational, the Molly Worthington Netball Courts will no longer be used for netball. Council may consider other potential future uses for Molly Worthington Netball Courts.


    Together Cessnock Team.

  • Share Hi as there is already an existing netball courts in Kurri what will be happening to that site? on Facebook Share Hi as there is already an existing netball courts in Kurri what will be happening to that site? on Twitter Share Hi as there is already an existing netball courts in Kurri what will be happening to that site? on Linkedin Email Hi as there is already an existing netball courts in Kurri what will be happening to that site? link

    Hi as there is already an existing netball courts in Kurri what will be happening to that site?

    Amara asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Once the Booth Park Netball Facility is operational, the Molly Worthington Netball Courts will no longer be used for netball. Council may consider other potential future uses for Molly Worthington Netball Courts.


    Together Cessnock Team

  • Share What happened to all the car parking as there is certainly not enough there and roads are not wide enough for cars to be parked in front of all the existing houses? on Facebook Share What happened to all the car parking as there is certainly not enough there and roads are not wide enough for cars to be parked in front of all the existing houses? on Twitter Share What happened to all the car parking as there is certainly not enough there and roads are not wide enough for cars to be parked in front of all the existing houses? on Linkedin Email What happened to all the car parking as there is certainly not enough there and roads are not wide enough for cars to be parked in front of all the existing houses? link

    What happened to all the car parking as there is certainly not enough there and roads are not wide enough for cars to be parked in front of all the existing houses?

    Sarah Cardow asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for reaching out,

    The number of formalised car parking spaces that have been allowed for within the facility aim to minimise any impacts on surrounding residents. Specialist planning consultants were engaged to provide advice regarding car parking and Council considered the feedback from community during the public exhibition of the draft concept design.  The number of car parking spaces has been based on the number of players and spectators per team, per court, per hour.

    Together Cessnock Team.

  • Share I grew up in Rawson Street and my parents still live adjacent to Booth Park. The plan does not detail many car park spaces? Rawson st is a narrow street with no kerb and guttering which is extremely hard to navigate at the moment with on street parking. Where are all these so called parents going to park? The current netball courts are under utilised with all players playing in Maitland in a better competitive competition why build new courts to be under used? If there is a netball carnival where will the buses etc park? on Facebook Share I grew up in Rawson Street and my parents still live adjacent to Booth Park. The plan does not detail many car park spaces? Rawson st is a narrow street with no kerb and guttering which is extremely hard to navigate at the moment with on street parking. Where are all these so called parents going to park? The current netball courts are under utilised with all players playing in Maitland in a better competitive competition why build new courts to be under used? If there is a netball carnival where will the buses etc park? on Twitter Share I grew up in Rawson Street and my parents still live adjacent to Booth Park. The plan does not detail many car park spaces? Rawson st is a narrow street with no kerb and guttering which is extremely hard to navigate at the moment with on street parking. Where are all these so called parents going to park? The current netball courts are under utilised with all players playing in Maitland in a better competitive competition why build new courts to be under used? If there is a netball carnival where will the buses etc park? on Linkedin Email I grew up in Rawson Street and my parents still live adjacent to Booth Park. The plan does not detail many car park spaces? Rawson st is a narrow street with no kerb and guttering which is extremely hard to navigate at the moment with on street parking. Where are all these so called parents going to park? The current netball courts are under utilised with all players playing in Maitland in a better competitive competition why build new courts to be under used? If there is a netball carnival where will the buses etc park? link

    I grew up in Rawson Street and my parents still live adjacent to Booth Park. The plan does not detail many car park spaces? Rawson st is a narrow street with no kerb and guttering which is extremely hard to navigate at the moment with on street parking. Where are all these so called parents going to park? The current netball courts are under utilised with all players playing in Maitland in a better competitive competition why build new courts to be under used? If there is a netball carnival where will the buses etc park?

    Kylie asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for getting to us!

    The number of formalised car parking spaces that have been allowed for within the facility aim to minimise any impacts on surrounding residents. Specialist planning consultants were engaged to provide advice regarding car parking and Council considered the feedback from community during the public exhibition of the draft concept design.  The number car parking spaces has been based on the number of players and spectators per team, per court, per hour.


    Together Cessnock Team.

  • Share Why so many netball courts? Some full-size basketball courts, large kids playground, and grassed area should be present. This park will be useful for nothing but netball. What is the plan for the existing netball courts in Kurri Kurri? on Facebook Share Why so many netball courts? Some full-size basketball courts, large kids playground, and grassed area should be present. This park will be useful for nothing but netball. What is the plan for the existing netball courts in Kurri Kurri? on Twitter Share Why so many netball courts? Some full-size basketball courts, large kids playground, and grassed area should be present. This park will be useful for nothing but netball. What is the plan for the existing netball courts in Kurri Kurri? on Linkedin Email Why so many netball courts? Some full-size basketball courts, large kids playground, and grassed area should be present. This park will be useful for nothing but netball. What is the plan for the existing netball courts in Kurri Kurri? link

    Why so many netball courts? Some full-size basketball courts, large kids playground, and grassed area should be present. This park will be useful for nothing but netball. What is the plan for the existing netball courts in Kurri Kurri?

    James asked over 1 year ago

    The primary use of the proposed facility will be netball, and 12 netball courts are required to be provided for the future needs of netball within the Kurri Kurri Planning Area. 

    The playground, cricket practice nets and a large portion of green space for passive recreation activities are proposed to be retained to offer additional recreational opportunities for site users. Please note the multipurpose court is not part of the current project funding, however has been included as a consideration in the concept plan as its inclusion will be reviewed at detailed design stage alongside updated costings and priorities. 

    Once the Booth Park Netball Facility is operational, the Molly Worthington Netball Courts will no longer be used for netball. Council may consider other potential future uses for Molly Worthington Netball Courts.

  • Share When are works expected to commence ? Has building funding been secured ? What is planned for the current Netball courts site in Mitchell Ave Kurri ? on Facebook Share When are works expected to commence ? Has building funding been secured ? What is planned for the current Netball courts site in Mitchell Ave Kurri ? on Twitter Share When are works expected to commence ? Has building funding been secured ? What is planned for the current Netball courts site in Mitchell Ave Kurri ? on Linkedin Email When are works expected to commence ? Has building funding been secured ? What is planned for the current Netball courts site in Mitchell Ave Kurri ? link

    When are works expected to commence ? Has building funding been secured ? What is planned for the current Netball courts site in Mitchell Ave Kurri ?

    rboyles asked over 1 year ago

    Council obtained funding through the NSW Government’s Resources for Regions grant program to undertake a business case, concept plan and detailed designs for Booth Park Netball Facility. Funding for the construction of the facility has been announced within the 2022/23 Federal Budget, however Council is awaiting the formal funding deed. Once the funding deed is finalised, Council will be able to confirm construction timeframes for the project.

    Once the Booth Park Netball Facility is operational, the Molly Worthington Netball Courts will no longer be used for netball. Council may consider other potential future uses for Molly Worthington Netball Courts.


    Together Cessnock Team.

  • Share How will you stop cars using this anytime of the day or week , from doing burn outs? Will this facility have 24/7 cameras? It needs them and it needs a full lockable fence . I live 1 street from this park and I know that’s what it will be used for . Plus parking Ali g the streets will also create accidents how will you fix that issue? Also where will another park like this be built . Green space is already not a priority for Cessnock council . Netball courts are such a waste of rate payers money on Facebook Share How will you stop cars using this anytime of the day or week , from doing burn outs? Will this facility have 24/7 cameras? It needs them and it needs a full lockable fence . I live 1 street from this park and I know that’s what it will be used for . Plus parking Ali g the streets will also create accidents how will you fix that issue? Also where will another park like this be built . Green space is already not a priority for Cessnock council . Netball courts are such a waste of rate payers money on Twitter Share How will you stop cars using this anytime of the day or week , from doing burn outs? Will this facility have 24/7 cameras? It needs them and it needs a full lockable fence . I live 1 street from this park and I know that’s what it will be used for . Plus parking Ali g the streets will also create accidents how will you fix that issue? Also where will another park like this be built . Green space is already not a priority for Cessnock council . Netball courts are such a waste of rate payers money on Linkedin Email How will you stop cars using this anytime of the day or week , from doing burn outs? Will this facility have 24/7 cameras? It needs them and it needs a full lockable fence . I live 1 street from this park and I know that’s what it will be used for . Plus parking Ali g the streets will also create accidents how will you fix that issue? Also where will another park like this be built . Green space is already not a priority for Cessnock council . Netball courts are such a waste of rate payers money link

    How will you stop cars using this anytime of the day or week , from doing burn outs? Will this facility have 24/7 cameras? It needs them and it needs a full lockable fence . I live 1 street from this park and I know that’s what it will be used for . Plus parking Ali g the streets will also create accidents how will you fix that issue? Also where will another park like this be built . Green space is already not a priority for Cessnock council . Netball courts are such a waste of rate payers money

    Donna Anderson asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for reaching out to us,

    Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles have been considered in the design to minimise unauthorised use, crime and anti-social behaviour within the site.  Once established, additional CPTED measures including surveillance and access control will be considered in response to any ongoing crime and anti-social behaviour at the facility. The playground at the Booth Park will be retained to provide additional recreation opportunities for users of the site. 


    Together Cessnock Team.