Land Rezoning - 94 Harle Street, Abermain

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Consultation has concluded. Thank you for your submissions.

Project Information

The reclassification of Council Land at Harle Street Playground was resolved at the Council Meeting on 18 October 2023.

The land now needs to be rezoned from R2 Low Density Residential to RE1 Public Recreation. The site also needs the minimum lot size map removed as it is will no longer be zoned for residential purposes.

The site being rezoned and minimum lot size removed to ensure the controls on the site align with its use as a park.

The land involved in this project forms part of the Harle Street playground and includes embellishments in the form of play equipment.

You can view the planning proposal by clicking here.

View other important documents about this project via the links below:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Click here to view more information around this reclassification.

Project Information

The reclassification of Council Land at Harle Street Playground was resolved at the Council Meeting on 18 October 2023.

The land now needs to be rezoned from R2 Low Density Residential to RE1 Public Recreation. The site also needs the minimum lot size map removed as it is will no longer be zoned for residential purposes.

The site being rezoned and minimum lot size removed to ensure the controls on the site align with its use as a park.

The land involved in this project forms part of the Harle Street playground and includes embellishments in the form of play equipment.

You can view the planning proposal by clicking here.

View other important documents about this project via the links below:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Click here to view more information around this reclassification.