What are the benfits of the shared pathway?

    The planned shared pathway presents a multitude of benefits for our community and the local economy. These benefits include:

    • Enhanced Safety for Schoolchildren: Providing a safer route to Pelaw Main Public School for local children, ensuring a secure journey to and from school.
    • Integrated Bicycle Network: Establishing a cohesive and integrated bicycle network that is easy for cyclists to use, encouraging sustainable transportation.
    • Community Awareness and Engagement: Promoting awareness of cycling among the community and various road and path user groups, building a culture of active transport.
    • Safety and Security: Creating a walking and cycling environment that is safe, secure, and encourages residents to walk and cycle without fear of accident or injury, improving overall well-being.

    When is construction planned to start?

    We anticipate commencing construction for this shared pathway project in the middle of the year 2024. Our team is committed to managing the construction process efficiently to ensure minimal disruptions to your daily routines.