What is a Traffic and Transport Strategy?

    A Traffic and Transport Strategy aims to improve and future proof the City’s transport network, and provide Council and its residents with a vision for transport, both public and private, that improves access to housing, jobs and services. It will guide transport policy and investment decisions, ensuring transport funding is allocated in ways that deliver maximum benefits for the people of Cessnock and those who visit the city. It also highlights requirements for new or improved road infrastructure and provides guidance on provision for new or improved public transport and active transport (e.g. bicycle and pedestrian) facilities.

    What did the study consider?

    Things the traffic and transport study considered:

    • Travel patterns
    • Road hierarchy and road widths
    • Car parking in centres and villages
    • Active transport (walking and cycling needs)
    • Travel behaviour change
    • Road safety, capacity and congestion
    • Public transport needs and services
    • Land use and transport integration

    What was the study process?

    The study was undertaken over a 6-month period and involved:

    • Identifying current transport issues and needs, as well as future challenges 
    • Setting new directions (vision) for our transport system
    • Investigating the issues, developing and evaluating options to meet the immediate, medium term and long term transport needs
    • Developing a road hierarchy and local area management plans
    • Preparing a traffic and transport strategy and action plan

    What has happened so far?

    Traffic surveys have already been completed. You may have seen traffic survey staff, as well as traffic survey cameras around your local area gathering movement data to enable us to assess the existing traffic and travel pattern situation. The information gathered as part of that exercise was important for identifying things that are working well and things that may need improvement.

    We also modelled the transport network of the LGA to review travel demands and congestion and investigated potential opportunities.

    Engagement was undertaken to assist the build of the plan consisting of online and face to face engagement throughout the region. You can see the findings of those engagement sessions here.